Check with your hospital or treatment center. Most have social workers or other assistants on staff who can help you find the assistance you need, and many have programs to help with patients' emotional and financial needs.
provides sustained case management services as well as co-pay assistance to patients at no cost
currently has a melanoma fund open in its Co-Pay Relief program and can provide $8,500 in co-pay assistance over a 12-month period to qualified patients
Offers the choice of one of the following to those with stage 3 or 4 melanoma: -- Fluffy Blanket or Fleece Bathrobe --Medical Bed assist bar for the bed, with a pocket to store phone/meds --Wireless Doorbell Kit --Heating Pad E-mail[email protected]
Videos has produced a video series dealing with issues faced by cancer patients and caregivers. Some of the melanoma segments feature members of the Mollie Biggane Melanoma Foundation: